Throughout the year we have been using this app to document our work completed in class. The app is free, easy to use and always accessible; so it makes it easy to digitally document student work at the press of a few buttons.

Three Ring
An easy to use tool for creating digital Student Portfolios.
The idea of the app is simple, you can take a photo, video, audio or attach a document of student work; tag it so you know what content is included e.g. history and finally and the document is securely saved and organised for you. The interface of the website is simple and it keeps the focus on student work, which is great for when showing parents of allowing students to visually organise their hard work.
We use the class iPad to document work when we feel the need tow Any documentation that happens on the iPad is automatically uploaded to the three Ring Website. As a teacher I can add notes to student work for reference at a later time or students reflect on their work and refer back to their reflections as they continue to learn throughout the year.
Check out the free app via the link below
Thank you so much for using Three Ring and for sharing how you and your students are working with it. I agree--our favorite part is that you simply document work when you "feel the need to"!! We will be releasing accounts for parents and student for this coming school year which should make it even easier for you guys to keep up the great work.